7 research outputs found

    Statements used to measure attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control, including a summary of responses from trained and untrained participants.

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    1<p>Informants were told each statement was based in the local area, in the next five years, to include target, action, context and timeframe in the statements.</p>2<p>Statements were coded so positive attitudes, subjective norms and PBC likely to favour xaté cultivation had higher values.</p>3<p>Values are rescaled to range between 0–10; all items were re-coded so high values indicated a positive view of xaté cultivation.</p

    The theory of planned behaviour [<b>18</b>].

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    <p>In this conceptual model we include the additional variable of technical knowledge as a predictor of behavioural intention and training as a potential method of influencing the four predictors of behavioural intention.</p

    Influence of changing technical knowledge and perceived behavioural control on predicted probability of xaté cultivation.

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    <p>5a Technical knowledge scores, 5b Perceived behavioural control (PBC) scores and 5c combined technical knowledge and perceived behavioural control score. Solid lines are the mean estimate and dashed lines are the 95% confidence intervals. Other parameters (age, forest ownership) were held at their median values whilst the parameter of interest was varied.</p

    Model averaged parameter estimates.

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    <p>Illustrating the influence of training upon attitudes (a), subjective norms (b), perceived behavioural control (c) and technical knowledge (d), controlling for the socio-demographic variables of forest ownership, years at school and age. 3a and 3b indicate training has had little impact on attitudes and subjective norms whereas <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0033012#pone-0033012-g003" target="_blank">figures 3c and 3d</a> show a positive impact of training on perceived behavioural control and technical knowledge. The central circles are the mean coefficient estimate for each parameter. Lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. Socio-demographic variables were rescaled to allow direct comparison with the training variable.</p

    Summary of 10 candidate models with lowest AICc developed to assess the predictors of xaté cultivation.

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    *<p>SN: social norm, PBC: perceived behavioural control, AICc: corrected Akaike Information Criterion.</p